Duncan Minty

Duncan Minty

Duncan has been researching and writing about ethics in insurance for over 20 years. As a Chartered Insurance Practitioner, he combines market knowledge with a strong and independent radar on ethics.
549 posts
Duncan Minty
The Tension that Digital Marketing Must Address public
Marketing 3 min read

The Tension that Digital Marketing Must Address

The digital environment that insurers now focus on presents marketeers with some tough choices. Some choices are well known ones relating to technology and distribution. Others are less visited ones like relationships and trust. I look at a significant tension inherent in all this.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A New Trade Off Will Reshape Insurance Innovation public
Fairness 8 min read

A New Trade Off Will Reshape Insurance Innovation

Trade offs are common when insurers judge the ethics of this or that decision. Key to this is how various conflicting interests are balanced. One particular trade off is coming to the fore now, and insurers need to adjust their human and digital systems to accommodate it. This article explains why.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
What the FCA’s Problems Bode for Insurers public
Regulation 5 min read

What the FCA’s Problems Bode for Insurers

An all-party group of MPs within the UK Parliament has issued a damning report on the FCA. It has certainly stirred up debate around the conclusions it reached. I think it will have a lasting impact, but not in the way commentators are thinking. For insurers, the consequences could be serious.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Problem with Most Responsible AI Initiatives public
Data Ethics 8 min read

The Problem with Most Responsible AI Initiatives

Every month sees guidance and standards issued about ‘Responsible AI’. Lift a few lids though and it becomes apparent that much of this output is one-sided. To properly address the issues associated with AI, insurers need to look beyond the technical. New research shows us how to get started.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
When Firms Become Criminally Liable for Fraud public
Counter Fraud 6 min read

When Firms Become Criminally Liable for Fraud

The UK Government has issued guidance on new legislation that holds firms to account for failing to prevent fraud. So what is its relevance to insurers? There are key triggers involved, and then the exposures are significant. I explore the ins and outs, including the references to ethics.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Delivering Fair Repudiations public
Claims 5 min read

Delivering Fair Repudiations

Claims repudiation in household insurance is changing. Long established practices are now being overlaid with digital systems that are powering repudiation levels to new highs. Yet in so doing, have insurers been asking themselves the right questions? …and drawing the right conclusions?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The EU’s Social Scoring Ban – What Does It Mean? public
Underwriting 9 min read

The EU’s Social Scoring Ban – What Does It Mean?

The EU’s AI Act prohibits social scoring. Insurers need to carefully weigh up the implications of this ban, for a lot of new digital insurance practices bear a remarkable resemblance to it. The ban was never meant to put pressure on modern insurance practices, but will that protect insurers.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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